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Creating Jobs


The Hard Truth: New Jersey is ranked the worst state in the nation to run a business. High tax rates and endless regulations hamper small business and drive larger businesses out of the state. New Jersey has the second highest corporation tax in the nation and research has shown that New Jersey has the second-most burdensome regulations.


Real Solutions:


  • Place a decade long ban on regulations. This will relieve burdens, and make our state more affordable for business.


  • Support the innovation economy. New Jersey is home to some of the greatest innovators the world has ever known. The next great company or invention could be within the Garden State, and offering assistance to business incubators and the companies within could help bridge from idea to job creator.


  • Incentivize apprenticeships. College isn’t for everyone, but that doesn’t mean job opportunities should be limited. New Jersey can add highly skilled workers by providing a $1,000 credit to employers for up to 4 years of job training in manufacturing, healthcare and energy sectors among others. 

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