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May 28, 2019
DeCroce Backs Bucco & Dunn in June 4th Republican Primary
Calls them Best Republican Team to Fight Liberal Murphy Rubber Stamps in November
May 23, 2019
Peters & Stanfield take sides in Morris Assembly primary
Burlington Republicans endorse Aura Dunn and Anthony Bucco
EDITORIAL: Bucco, Dunn for Assembly
Observer-Tribune Endorsement
April 06, 2019
LD25 Flashpoint: Bucco Promises a Campaign Unlike any Other
February 18, 2019
The Dunn Effect
In a letter to fellow Republicans, Dunn stresses her belief in the “American Dream” and promises to fight the “progressive socialist agenda of Governor Murphy and his Trenton followers.”
February 15, 2019
Aura Dunn seeking Morris County Assembly seat
Ex-Rodney Frelinghuysen aide tells her own story in bid for the Legislature